8 days of inspiration
Launch Events & Workshops
We’re launching on Monday 27th June with a series of taster events and workshops, this is your opportunityto hit the pause button, reset and build some life resilience.
Keep a look on our website for further updates and exciting collaborations - more added all the time.

Returning to Your True Essence: Coming Home to you Workshop
Caroline Britton – Coach, healer & author
Monday 27 June, 6.30pm–9.00pm
Caroline Britton will be speaking in depth about her teachings from her brand new book launching this month - " Coming Home To You".
During this workshop, Caroline will be sharing the tools and techniques to support returning to the truest essence of who you are. She will look at any blocks that are standing in your way and work with you to create momentum to move forwards.
Caroline will also be sharing stories around her journey so far, deep insights from her book writing and how you can create magic in all areas of your life.

Life Goals & How to Achieve Them
James Middleton – Mindset coach
Tuesday 28th June, 6.30pm-7.45pm
James’ talk is all about taking action in your life, this event will offer you the opportunity to really focus on what you want from life and discuss how you get there!
- Self-love
- Living your life with purpose
- Practicing self-discipline
- Managing priorities
- Managing your relationships
As a leading influencer, Personal Trainer and Mindset Coach, James will share his knowledge and motivate you to become the very best version of yourself and help you commit to your own personal self-development.

The Healing Breath
Jamie Clements – Breathwork facilitator
Wednesday 29th June, 6.30pm-8.00pm
Jamie strongly believes that breathwork is the most universal and powerful tool that we all have access to change our minds and live healthier, happier lives.
The event will provide an introduction to the world of breathwork for physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and healing.
Jamie will explore how we can use the breath to access altered states of consciousness, work with the subconscious mind and clear emotional baggage from our systems.

Energy Healing
Georgiana Monckton – Energy healer
Thursday 30 June, 12.00pm-2.00pm
With over 20 years' experience, Georgiana's success lies in building strong connections to help people find balance, both in body and mind. Through a blend of techniques and modalities, Georgiana will bring about a state of homeostasis in order for your mind and body to heal. Reiki works on all levels - spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. This is a hands-on treatment that works by channelling energy. Effective on children as well as adults.
Drop in one to one taster 25 min sessions are available between 12-2pm

Breath & Sound Therapy Immersion workshop
Aimee Robinson – Breathwork facilitator & Jasmine St Cliere – Sound therapist
Friday 1st July, 6.30pm-8.00pm
Finding power in our vulnerability; the aim of this workshop is to shred the layers you carry in your body using the power of breathwork and sound therapy.
Aimee will facilitate Conscious Connected Breathwork to release stress and unprocessed emotions stored in the body. You will experience how deep conscious connected breathing helps quieten the mind to access and release unprocessed energy stored in the body, bringing clarity, insight and a deeper inner connection.
Jasmine with be working with crystal singing bowls, sound powerfully alters the brain wave state, through therapeutic sounds you will drop into a deeper state of awareness within the body, shifting you into a relaxed, yet centred place within.

Practicing resilience under pressure
Isabel Pollen – Professional Actress/Coach/Facilitator
Saturday 2nd July, 2.00pm-3.00pm
In this interactive workshop, Isabel will offer you tools and techniques that enable you to see how the body and mind can build resilience.
Do you find it more challenging to practice resilience when you’re under pressure?
Want to feel more confident and learn how to cope better as well as supporting others with their resilience?
Whether we’re dealing with teams at work, managing tricky social relationships, or simply struggling with specific conversations, we all want to feel our most present, have active choice, and communicate our intentions in a way that’s clear, empowering and authentic.
Come to this session to explore what it really means to perform under pressure.Build your self-awareness and practice how to build awareness for others in your life too.

The Road to Relaxation
Alexander James – Mindfulness therapist and cognitive behavioural hypnotherapist
Sunday 3rd July, 5.30pm-6.45pm
‘The Road to Relaxation’ is designed to give you a deeper understanding of what it means to find true relaxation and it's associated health benefits.
Based on the work by the American Physician Edmund Jacobson and Professor of Physiology Herbert Benson, the workshop will include a balance of practical work and education around anxiety, stress and relaxation techniques.
Relaxation training has been used as an evidence-based approach to help people cope with symptoms of anxiety and stress.

Embodied Confidence & Feminine Self-expression
Georgie Clarke – Confidence & mindset coach
Monday 4th July, 6.30pm-7.45pm
Are you ready to start living your most courageous, confident and liberated life? During this interactive workshop, Georgie will help free you from self-doubt so you can walk into every room with unshakeable confidence and self-belief.
- Embodied confidence – what is it? What is it not?
- Exploring your own individual expression of embodied confidence
- Suppressing self-expression – the impact, why we do it and cultivating the courage to reveal more of ourselves
- Unearthing your own personal blocks to embodying more confidence
- Understanding fear and overcoming self-doubt
- Simple ways to embody confidence on a consistent basis
There will also be time for some fun immersive playtime/meditation to stretch the edges of your comfort zone, build confidence and activate your feminine power!

Mindfulness Classes - EARLY July
If you're a member at our sister business TRANSITION ZONE you can now enjoy classes at both sites.
Mindfulness classes:
MONDAY: Breathe - 7am
TUESDAY: Breathe - 11am & 6.45pm
WEDNESDAY: Breathe - 12.30
THURSDAY: Sound bath
FRIDAY: Unwind & Breathwork
SUNDAY: Breathe

Launch offer
All class packs - for use across both sites
- 5 pack: £96
- 10 pack:£160
- 20 pack £288