Unleash your super power
We do it 23,000 times a day. It is the body’s single most important function. And it has the ability to revolutionise how we feel. Yet breathing is often overlooked when it comes to healthy habits.

You may have heard of breathwork through people like Wim Hof (‘The Iceman’), James Nestor (Breath), Stuart Sandeman (Breathpod & Author - Breath in Breath out), Patrick McKeown (Oxygen Advantage). Or maybe you’ve come across different modalities such as pranayama (often used in yoga), The Buteyko Method, Holotropic Breathwork or transformational breath, the list is long.
BUT are you using your breath to your best advantage? Knowing how to breathe and how to use your breath purposefully has been proven to reduce negative mental and physical issues and heal the body and mind. Trust us, this isn’t Goop talk, this is science backed and more and more of us are finally giving it a go – even Chris Martin is an avid fan.
A regular breathwork practice is a really easy way for you to improve and change your physiology, think of breathwork as your superpower, you really can alter your physiology – from a cortisol-raised fight or flight state to feeling more relaxed, calm and centred.
Whether it’s taking your running to the next level, handling anxiety ahead of that that big work presentation, to managing everyday curve balls.
Practising breathwork techniques consistently can have a profound impact on your overall health, but so few of us know how to do it. Until now! The specialist team at Resilience Zone are fully prepped and ready to teach you how to optimise your breath..rest assured there's no woo chat, just pure science!
10 advantages to breathing properly:
- Reduce tension/pain/ anxiety/depression
- Speed up exercise recovery time
- Lower blood pressure
- Optimise digestion
- Enhance energy/performance
- Improve sleep
- Boost metabolism
- Increase feelings of security
- Bolster immune health
- Optimise full body function
What can you do to get the most out of your 23,000 breaths?
There are many different types of breathing techniques (varying counts, breath holds, mouth open, mouth closed and so on) and many ways to get better at it.
At Resilience Zone we cover all of them and more in our workshops and weekly classes, we can help you assess what type of breather you are - chest, reverse, collapsed, frozen, grabber, controller, nasal, mouth - and how to overcome the associated disadvantages. Leave it to our team of experts - all at the top of their game - to help you create a proper practice and get the most from your breath.
Click below for details of our upcoming breathwork events and regular classes.

for Beginners
March Russell - Breathwork therapist
Every Wednesday in September,
18:45 - 20:15 (21st & 28th)

Breathe to
Fini Cooper - Breathwork Therapist
Saturday 24th September,

Slow Yoga Flow, Breathwork & Sound Bath
Jasmine St Cliere - Yoga, Breath & Sound Therapist
Friday 7th October,
Classes -Slo/Mo & Breathe
If you're looking to slow things down a little, aid recovery, increase R.O.M (range of motion) in your joints and generally get a little more headspace, our SLO/MO classes are just what you need or perhaps you're ready to explore your super power then it's our BREATHE classes.
Members at TRANSITION ZONE can now enjoy classes at both sites. If not don't worry you can give one a try for just £10.
Mindfulness classes:
MONDAY: Slo/Mo 12.30pm Tom
TUESDAY: Breathe - 6.30pm Tate
WEDNESDAY: Breathe 12.30pm & 6.45pm - March
THURSDAY: Slo/Mo - 10am Claire

James Degale is back
Saturday 8th October. 11am-1pm
Following the success of Part 1, James is returning with his ever popular Masterclass. During this workshop James Degale will give you the opportunity to hone your boxing skills and get "Up Close & Personal" with the legend himself.
You'll learn the basics and progress to more advanced boxing combinations, you'll also have the opportunity to get in the ring and test run your padwork combinations. We've kept numbers low so you'll get lots of personal attention and the opportunity to ask lots of questions and learn plenty.
A new way to book...
We will be changing software partners very soon, rest assured we are trying to make it as seamless as possible, please keep a look out in the coming 7-10 days for an email to give you a step by set guide on what to do.

Bank Holiday
We will be offering a VERY reduced timetable on bank holiday Monday 19th September to allow us all time to commemorate Queen Elizabeth II.
One early class 8.15am TRX CIRCUIT, Personal Training will be available as requested.